Does it ever cross your mind that someone may not be telling you the truth? It can be difficult to know for sure if someone is lying, but it’s not an impossible thing to assess.
As human beings, we have natural instincts that can often help us detect when someone is not being genuine. Pay attention to body language, as liars tend to fidget and avoid eye contact. They may also give vague or inconsistent answers, and try to deflect or change the subject when pressed for more details.
Lying can cause strain and tension in relationships, so it’s important to address any suspicions or concerns with the person directly. In this article, we’ll discuss some signs to know whether your partner is lying to you.
10 Signs To Look Out For
1. Their words don’t match their body language.
When a person is lying, there are some instances that they may say one thing with their words but their body language will display something different. Pay attention to how they move, if they’re fidgeting or avoiding eye contact.
For example, if you talk about something to your partner and they say they didn’t do it but they avoid eye contact and fidget with their hands, it’s a possibility that they are lying. Try to see if their words and body language match up.
2. They provide too much detail or become defensive.
If a person is lying, they may try to cover their tracks by providing too much detail in their story. On the flip side, they may also become defensive and try to deflect any questioning or accusations.
Pay attention to how they respond when faced with tough questions. Do they try to change the subject or become aggressive? These can be red flags that they are not being truthful. It would be either because they want to distract you or because they feel the need to protect their lie.
3. They give vague or inconsistent answers.
Liars may struggle to keep their story straight and as a result, their answers may seem vague or inconsistent. Pay attention to any discrepancies in their responses and ask for clarification if needed.
The best way to uncover a lie is to ask specific, pointed questions and see if the person’s answers line up with what you already know or suspect to be true. Make sure to analyze carefully what they mentioned, in case they try to slip in small details that could potentially change the story.
4. They are unable to recall specific details.
Avoiding eye contact, being unable to recall specific details, or stuttering while speaking are all possible signs that someone may be lying. Liars may also try to distract or divert the conversation in order to cover up their deceit.
If you try to ask them specific questions about the situation and they are unable to answer or keep changing their story, it’s a possibility that they may be lying.
5. They use qualifying language.
People who are lying may use qualifying language such as “to be honest” or “to tell you the truth.” This can indicate that they feel guilty about not being truthful and may be trying to justify their lie. It’s not common for a person to feel the need to qualify their statements if they are telling the truth.
Try to see it as a red flag and pay attention to their body language and other behaviors for further clues about their honesty.
6. They contradict themselves or make excuses.
Liars may try to cover up their deceit by contradicting themselves or making excuses. Pay attention to any inconsistencies in their story and confront them directly if needed.
It’s important to approach the situation calmly and respectfully, as accusing someone of lying can be a sensitive topic. Just make sure to trust your gut instincts and gather evidence before confronting them.
7. They become overly emotional or angry.
It’s common for liars to become defensive and try to deflect blame onto others. They may also try to distract the conversation by becoming overly emotional or displaying anger.
Especially if you’ve known the person for a while, pay attention to how they typically react in situations and compare it to their current behavior. If it seems out of character for them to become emotional or angry, it may be a sign that they are trying to hide something.
8. They try to accuse you of lying.
One common tactic liars use is to try and deflect blame onto others by accusing them of lying. This can be a way for them to avoid taking responsibility for their actions or deceit.
It could be a red flag if they try to turn the tables on you and accuse you of lying, especially if there is no reason for them to do so. Trust your instincts and gather the evidence before confronting them about their behavior.
9. They excessively fidget or touch their face.

Liars may display more physical “tells” such as fidgeting or touching their faces. It’s natural for people to have some movements and gestures while speaking, but excessive movements can indicate discomfort and possible deceit.
Pay attention to any unconscious actions they may be making and compare it to how they typically behave. If they seem more fidgety or are touching their face frequently, it may be a sign that they are feeling uneasy about lying.
10. They would makeup lies to support their story.
In order to cover up a lie, liars may try to make up additional lies to support their story. This can be a way for them to add more credibility and try to convince others of their deceit.
A key to catching a liar is to pay attention to the details of their story and see if they contradict themselves or provide inconsistent information. Confront them directly about any discrepancies and gather evidence before making any accusations.
Overall, it’s important to trust your instincts and observe the person’s behavior and body language for potential signs of lying. It can also be helpful to confront them directly, but make sure to approach the situation calmly and respectfully. Gathering evidence can also aid in catching a liar and determining the truth of the situation.
Hire A Private Investigator Today!
If you’re doubting what your partner is lying or if you think they might be cheating on you, the best thing to do is to hire a private investigator. A professional can help you get the answers you need and give you peace of mind.
Our team of experienced private investigators can help you with a wide range of services, including infidelity investigations, surveillance, and more. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.