Do you have a sneaking suspicion that your wife is cheating on you? If she’s been acting distant, spending less time with you, or being more secretive about her phone and computer usage, then she may be hiding something from you.
It always hurts to think that the person you love and trust the most could be betraying you.
Cheating has never been an easy thing to deal with in a relationship. This causes a lot of trauma that can even lead to the end of a marriage. Here are eight signs on how to tell if wife is cheating:
1. She’s Acting Distant
If your wife suddenly starts becoming distant and withdraws from you emotionally, it could be a sign that she’s cheating. She may not want to share her feelings or problems with you anymore because she’s confiding in someone else.
In this situation, research has identified several cheaters behavior patterns, which are frequently observed in both men and women who cheat. One of these is that your partner being distant, not just physically but also emotionally.
2. She’s Working Late a Lot
Has your wife been working late a lot lately? If she’s avoiding coming home or making up excuses to stay at the office, it could be because she doesn’t want you to know what she’s doing after hours.
She may be meeting up with her lover or spending time with them while she’s supposed to be working.
3. She’s Spending More Time Alone

Usually, a woman loves spending time with her husband and family. But if your wife has been wanting to spend more time alone, it could be a sign that she’s cheating.
It could start from having excuses on being with her colleagues or friends, and gradually she pulls away from you and the kids. It could also be doing some work even right before bedtime or just taking a bath and going to bed early.
4. She’s Hiding Her Phone and Computer Usage
You can feel that she’s hiding her contacts and text messages if she’s always keeping her phone close to her, or if she’s been logging out of her social media accounts every time she steps away from the computer.
This behavior is sometimes observed in people who are cheating because they don’t want their partner to see who they’re talking to or what they’re saying. This cell phone signs may mean she’s cheating.
Although you might consider privacy to be a basic right in any relationship, keep in mind that cheating wives often delete texts, calls, and social media messages to avoid getting caught is one of the most common signs of cheating.
5. She’s Dressing Up More